Landowners with Expiring CRP Contracts
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The MMWA will be establishing wetland mitigation bank sites on MDNR lands and private land to service agricultural producers in watersheds and ecoregions throughout Michigan.
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The MMWA is in the process of establishing wetland mitigation bank sites throughout Michigan. Expiring CRP wetland projects may be eligible for conversion to wetland mitigation banks for Swampbuster compliance needs. The MMWA is interested in working with landowners who have expiring CRP contracts with wetland restorations, and we are prepared to purchase conservation easements at a very competitive price.
While the NRCS will oversee this program, the MDNR will coordinate with the MMWA to establish the wetland mitigation banks. The MMWA will serve as the bank sponsor, the MDNR will manage and maintain the wetland mitigation bank sites, and the landowner will retain ownership and hunting rights.